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n Vitro siRNA Transfection Reagents
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In Vitro siRNA Transfection Reagents:
Small interfering RNA (siRNA), sometimes known as short interfering RNA or silencing RNA, has a well-defined structure: a short (usually 21-nt) double strand of RNA (dsRNA) with 2-net 3’ overhangs on either end. siRNAs can be introduced into cells by various transfection methods to bring about the specific knockdown of a gene of interest. Essentially any gene of which the sequence is known can thus be targeted based on sequence complementarity with an appropriately tailored siRNA. This has made siRNAs an important and indispensable tool for gene function and drug target validation studies in the post-genomic era.
While liposome or polymer reagents often give very good DNA delivery efficacy, they often failed to efficiently drive siRNA into mammalian cells due to the length of the siRNA anionic segment that is too short to maintain electrostatic cohesion with the cationic lipids or polycationic polymer. We modified the liposome and polymer by addition of specific pre-screened hydrophobic groups which confers the pH dependent conformational changes (PDCC) at physiological pH condition and greatly stabilizes siRNA lipolplex or polyplex.
Based on our unique and proprietary “PDCC” technology, currently we are developing and manufacturing the following four siRNA transfection reagents, which show distinct transfection characteristics with the leading products in the market.
siRNA Transfection Reagent Selection Chart.
Reagents Featrues Type Toxicity
PepMute™ - Exceptional good for siRNA transfection

- OK for DNA/siRNA co-transfection
GenMute™ - Exceptional good for siRNA transfection

- Excellent for DNA/siRNA co-transfection
PowerFect™ - OK for siRNA transfection

- Excellent for DNA transfection

- Excellent for DNA/siRNA co-transfection
PepMute™ Plus - Exceptional good for siRNA transfection

- Excellent for DNA/siRNA co-transfection
Catalog Product Name Size Price
SL100566 PepMute™ siRNA Transfection Reagent 1.0 ml $198.00
SL100568 GenMute™ siRNA Transfection Reagent 1.0 ml $198.00
SL100569 PowerFect™ In Vtro siRNA Transfection Reagent (Ver. II) 1.0 ml $288.00
SL100570 GenJet™ In Vitro siRNA Transfection Reagent (Ver. II) 1.0 ml $288.00
SL100571 PepMute™ Plus siRNA Transfection Reagent 1.0 ml $368.00
SL100572 GenMute™ Transfection Buffer (5x ) 8.0 ml $39.00
SL100573 GenJet™ Transfection Buffer (5x ) 8.0 ml $39.00
SL100574 PowerFect™ Transfection Buffer (5x ) 8.0 ml $39.00
SL100575 PepMute™ Transfection Buffer (5x ) 8.0 ml $39.00

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