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Color Multichannel Pipette
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Color Multichannel Pipette
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Colour-coded acc. to pipette's volume range

Lightweight, ergonomic design

Wide supportive finger rest lets your hand relax between pipetting cycles

High accuracy and precision

Easy to use, easy in-lab service

Tip cone can be autoclavable(121℃, 20 minutes)

Simple volume setting with click stop

Pipette stand and holder options available

Cat. No. Channels VolumeRange Increment Inacc. Impr. Compatible Tip
4173200 8 5-50ul 0.1ul ±1.5% ±0.7% 200&300ul
4173210 8 50-300ul 0.5ul ±1.0% ±0.2% 300ul
4173220 12 5-50ul 5ul ±1.5% ±0.7% 200&300ul
4173230 12 50-300ul 0.1ul ±1.0% ±0.3% 300ul

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