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Autoclavable bottletop dispenser
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Autoclavable bottletop dispenser
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  • Autoclavable.( 121℃ for 20 minutes)
  • 3 sized adaptors for fitting with various types of bottles.
  • Chemical-guard materials used for liquid contact parts.
  • Adjustable Inlet tube for various types of bottles.
  • Liquid returning mechanism for minimizing the waste of reagents.

※Bottles are available as optional parts.

Cat. No Volume range(mL) Increment(mL) Accuracy(%) Precision(%) Thread Attached adapters
00-DPX-25 0.25~2.5 0.05 ±0.6 ≦0.1 GL-32 GL-28、GL-38、GL-45
00-DPX-50 0.5~5.0 0.1 ±0.5 ≦0.1 GL-32 GL-28、GL-38、GL-45
00-DPX-100 1.0~10.0 0.2 ±0.5 ≦0.1 GL-32 GL-28、GL-38、GL-45
00-DPX-250 2.5~25.0 0.5 ±0.5 ≦0.1 GL-45 GL-28、GL-32、GL-38
00-DPX-500 5.0~50.0 1 ±0.5 ≦0.1 GL-45 GL-28、GL-32、GL-38
00-DPX-1000 10.0~100.0 2 ±0.5 ≦0.1 GL-45 GL-28、GL-32、GL-38

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