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Precision™ Taq DNA Polymerase PCR  500 U (100 µl)
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Description Frustrated with amplification errors? Let us introduce you to abm’s Precision™ DNA Polymerase. Significant time and effort can be saved by using high fidelity polymerases that eliminate the need for downstream error-correction steps. The use of Precision™ DNA Polymerase for rare DNA templates is imperative as small amounts of DNA are especially prone to high mutant frequencies. abm’s Precision™ DNA Polymerase is the ideal choice for applications demanding high fidelity PCR products.

With abm’s Precision™ DNA Polymerase, you can expect
• Outstanding accuracy and efficiency
• Error-free PCR products for downstream processes
Literature Click To Open
Application • Whole genome sequencing
• Site-directed mutagenesis
• Blunt-end cloning 
• Specific amplification of difficult templates (i.e. GC-Rich)
• Low copy PCR assays
Form Enzyme supplied with 5X buffer, MgSO4 and 5X GC Enhancer
Protocol Click To Open
Concentration 5U/µl
Storage Store all components at -20 °C.
Notes This product is distributed for laboratory research only.
Caution: Not for diagnostic use .

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