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One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-ROX 100 rxn (20 µl/rxn)
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Description Convenient real-time RNA quantification in one-step. abm’s One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR Kit uses a combination of high-quality enzymes in a proprietary buffer system to deliver precise and accurate sample analysis in a high-throughput format. This kit offers ultimate convenience to the end-user in addition to guaranteed performance with respect to high sensitivity, low signal-to noise ratio, and complete elimination of primer dimmers.

Key Features
• Streamlined protocol in a simple single-tube reaction set-up
• High-quality, full-length cDNA from as little as 0.01pg of RNA
• Fully optimized for detection of low-copy genes
• Simple set-up for any RNA template 
• Reduces pipetting steps to minimize the risk of contamination

Please refer to our EvaGreen qPCR MasterMix Selection Guide in selecting the appropriate qPCR formulation applicable to your particular instrument model.
Application • Gene-expression analysis
• Transcription analysis
• Gene cloning
• High throughput applications
• Virus detection and quantification
Form This kit includes 50X qRT-PCR Enzyme Mix and EvaGreen qPCR MasterMix
Protocol Click To Open
Storage Stored all components at -20°C. Protect the EvaGreen qPCR MasterMix from light.
Notes 1. Aliquot reagents to avoid contamination and to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
2. Primer concentration should not be high, a concentration of 100 nM to 300 nM of each primer usually gives the best results.
3. A very effective way to get tight Ct among replicates is to reduce pipetting error, this can be achieved by: preparing amplicon specific pre-mix, using repeating pipet, and keeping pipetting volume in manufacture suggested range.

This product is distributed for laboratory research only. 
Caution: Not for diagnostic use.

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