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Plasmid Miniprep Purification Kit (250 preps)
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Plasmid Miniprep Purification Kit (250 preps)
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The EasyPrep Plasmid Miniprep Kit provides a simple, fast and cost effective method to purify plasmid DNAs (10-30 µg) from small volumes of bacterial culture (1-5 ml), which is typical in bacterial colony screening during plasmid construction. The kit applies DNA-binding specific matrix, which allows the high efficient binding of DNA, while proteins and other cellular components are easily removed during washing. Plasmid DNAs are easily eluted with Tris buffer or pure water.
Plasmid DNAs purified from EasyPrep™ plasmid miniprep kit can be used directly for downstream applications such as transfection, restriction mapping, library screening, sequencing, as well as gene therapy and genetic vaccinations.
Kit's content:
Catalog #
DNA Columns
Buffer A1
20 ml
80 ml
Buffer A2
20 ml
80 ml
Buffer N1
25 ml
110 ml
DNA Wash Buffer*
12 ml
50 ml
Elution Buffer
10 ml
20 ml
Column Buffer 10 ml 30 ml
RNase A
70 µl
280 µl
Manual 1 1
* Add ethanol to washing buffer before use

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