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Cre Recombinase is a tyrosine recombinase enzyme derived from the P1 Bacteriophage. The enzyme uses a topoisomerase I like mechanism to carry out site specific recombination events. The enzyme (38kDa) is a member of the Integrase family of site specific recombinase and it is known to catalyse the site specific recombination event between two DNA recognition sites (loxP sites). This premade lentivirus expresses Cre Recombinase under the control of PGK promoter.

Virus: PGK-Cre
Titer (approx): 1 x 108 TU/ml
Vector Information: Vector includes both 5’ and 3’ lentiviral LTR and all necessary elements for effective transduction; woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element (WPRE)
Promoter for Target Gene: PGK
Target Gene / Reporter(s): Cre
Selection Gene: /
Biosafety Level: BSL-2
Shipped: Dry ice
Storage: Store at -80°C

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