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Inducible tet-on Ars2 lentivirus
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Ars2 (arsenite-resistance protein 2; also known as Srrt) is a highly conserved zinc finger protein. Ars2 is necessary and sufficient to promote NSC  (neural stem cells) self-renewal. This premade lentivirus expresses Ars2 under the control of Tet promoter.

Virus: Inducible tet-on Ars2
Titer (approx): 1 x 108 CFU/ml
Vector Information: Vector includes both 5’ and 3’ lentiviral LTR and all necessary elements for effective transduction; woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element (WPRE)
Promoter for Target Gene: TRE
Target Gene / Reporter(s): Ars2
Selection Gene: Puromycin
Biosafety Level: BSL-2
Shipped: Dry ice
Storage: Store at -80°C

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