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Inducible tet-on Hnf4a lentivirus
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Hnf4a  is a nuclear transcription factor which binds DNA as a homodimer. Hnf4a controls the expression of several genes, including hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, a transcription factor which regulates the expression of several hepatic genes. This gene may play a role in development of the liver, kidney, and intestines. Hnf4α plus Foxa1, Foxa2 or Foxa3 can convert mouse embryonic and adult fibroblasts into cells that closely resemble hepatocytes in vitro.  

Virus: Inducible tet-on Hnf4a
Titer (approx): 1 x 108 CFU/ml
Vector Information: Vector includes both 5’ and 3’ lentiviral LTR and all necessary elements for effective transduction; woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element (WPRE)
Promoter for Target Gene: TRE
Target Gene / Reporter(s): Hnf4a
Selection Gene: Puromycin
Biosafety Level: BSL-2
Shipped: Dry ice
Storage: Store at -80°C

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