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RO membrane, 1/ PK
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RO membrane, 1/ PK
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RO Membrane Comparable to Millipore CDRC00201 (RephiLe Cat. RAR000201)
RephiLe Catalog No.: RAR000201
Millipore Catalog No.: CDRC00201
Comparable to Millipore CDRC00201, CDRCOO201 RO Membrane for Millipore Milli-RO 3/5, Elix 3/5, RiOs 3 systems etc.
Product Description: 
This product is designed to remove most of the ions, organic carbons and particulates.
Purification Technology: 
Reverse Osmosis

 Suitable for the following Millipore systems:
AFS 3/3D
Direct-Q 3/5 (older verstion)
Elix (UV) 3
Elix Adavantage 3
Elix Reference 3
Elix Essential 3
RiOs 3/5
RiOs Essential 5
Milli-Q Integral 3
Milli-RO 3/5
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