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DuraUse™ Anti-Spoil Skim Milk Powder, 3 Ibs
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DuraUse™ Anti-Spoil Skim Milk Powder, 3 Ibs
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Application: for western blotting use only; 5 % skimmed milk powder in TBST solution for blocking the unspecific binding in Western Blot. Incubate the membrane either PVDF or nitrocellulose with 5 % defat milk power in TBST for 1 ~ 2 hours at room temperature or at 4 0C overnight. 

Features: screened to guarantee good blocking effect; specially formulated to be spoil-resistant; Able to store the prepared blocking solution (5 % milk powder in TBST) at 4 0C for 3 months 

Data Sheet 
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