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GenJet™ In Vitro DNA Tranfection Kit for HUVEC
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GenJet™ DNA In Vitro Tranfection Reagent for HUVEC is pre-optimized for transfecting human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC).  HUVEC is one of hard-to-transfect cell lines partly due to the transfection toxicity related cell death. In combination of GenJet™ Transfection Buffer, the pre-optimized transfection reagent gave up to 60% efficiency. Refer to the following optimal transfection conditions for maximal transfection efficiency on HUVEC. GenJet™ reagent, 1.0 ml, is sufficient for 500 transfections in 24 well plates or 250 transfections in 6 well plates.

Summary of Optimal Shaved CellTransfection Conditions:
Cell culture medium
Confluency of cell on the day of shaving
Cell density for plating

GenJet™ (µl) : DNA (µg) Ratio
Diluent for DNA and Transfection Reagent

Incubation Time to Form GenJet™/DNA Complex
Maximal Efficiency 

Transfection Results:
Reporter Gene
Efficiency (GFP %)

DMEM with 4.5 g/L glucose, 10% FBS
1.3x10^5 cells per square c

GenJet™ Transfection Buffer (1x )
10 minutes at RT
48 hours


pEGFP-N3 (CMV promoter) 

Storage Condition
Store at 4 0C. If stored properly, the product is stable for 12 months or longer

Data Sheet 

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