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AAV-LacZ (AAV Serotype 2 ) Unit Size: 1 x 0.2 ml
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Product Category: Recombinant AAV; AAV2-LacZ; AAV2-CMV-LacZ

AAV2-LacZ is the seroptype 2 rAAV which expresses β-galactosidase (LacZ) under CMV promoter. LacZ is frequently used as reporter gene. It can be easily located with a LacZ stain using the artificial substrate X-gal, which turns blue when it is cleaved by β-galactosidase.

Titer: 1x1012 ~ 1x1013 GC/ml

Size: 200 ul

Storage Buffer: PBS

Infection Protocol: 
Copyright © egfie Herndon, VA