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Mini Tris-Gly Precast PAGE Gels, 10 gels/box
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Mini Tris-Gly Precast PAGE Gels, 10 gels/box
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Specification of precast PAGE gels
- Cassette dimensions: 10cm x 8.0cm x 4.8mm
- Gel dimensions: 8.6cm x 6.8cm x 1mm
- Storage conditions: up to 1 year at 2-80
- Stacking gel: 4% polyacrylamide
- SDS content: none
- Recommended sample buffer: Tris-HCL-SDS 

Compatible gel tanks for precast PAGE gels:
-BioRad mini-pROTENA II and 3
-Fisher Biotech Vertical Minigel System
-Life Technologies XCell I, II and Surelock
-IBI Universal protein system; EC-4-Cell
-Tall mighty small & mighty samll & mini VE system (Hoefer)
-Daiichi mini 2-gel and 6-gel

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