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10xTG (1L)
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10xTG (1L)
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We provides a variety of buffers for life science research, including those used for protein and nucleic acid experiments. Our buffers are made with high-purity water and highest quality reagents and filtered with 0.45 µm membranes. The 4L and 10 L box-packed buffers are compact and come with easy pouring sprout. They provide cost-savings and convenience. 

  1xTG:   Tris 25 mM, Glycine 192 mM, pH 8.3, with 20% methanol. Western blot transfer buffer   Application: For Western blotting and gel electrophoresis. Tris-glycine buffer is used to make a Tris-glycine-methanol transfer buffer, which is the most common protein...

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